


This game was a third-year university project, with the goal of developing a complete game of each student’s own choosing. The game engine used to create the game itself was GDevelop, while the software I used to create the art was Adobe Photoshop.

I decided to create a 2D platformer with a dystopian theme in order to best apply my skills to the project. To begin, I first started work on a prototype that would feature the initial versions of some sprites used throughout the game, such as the player. The goal of this prototype was to test the main functionalities that would be featured, as well as ensuring it could be easily understood by other players. As the prototype was focused on gameplay, I decided to keep the initial version of the options menu fairly simple, and as such it could be accessed at the start of the prototype. This was changed when implementing the full version, and now can be accessed through the pop-up menu during a level, or via the starting screen.

With a prototype that was fully working, and having received feedback on it from various players I began to work on the full implementation. I first focused on creating final versions of the sprites within the game, adding more features or animations to them in order to better fit in with the dystopian environment and add more variety to the scenes. As I had not done much detailed animation before, I mainly concentrated on physical objects. Below are examples of some of the animated sprites that are featured in levels 1 and 2.

Having updated all the current relevant sprites, I decided to add music and sound effects to the singular prototype level, as that would allow me to fully ensure all the main sounds required would work correctly, and would then allow me to add the sounds to the following levels in a much smoother manner. Given the theme of the game, I mainly focused on the sound effects as the player traverses through the level, as I was aiming to create a similar atmosphere with the sounds as I had indicated with the artwork. I also included two pieces of music that I had previously created before the start of the project, both of which are featured below.

Following that, I then worked on fully implementing the remaining three levels. Between the four levels within the game, I aimed to include variety in the game so that it would retain interest for the players beyond the platforming. Examples of this include the player working out how to get the funicular functioning in level 2, or trying to navigate level 3 in the dark.

Currently I am working on developing this game in Unity, recreating sprites when needed and fully creating a story and diverse levels which a player can explore.


Procedurally Generated 3D Mazes